Illumine Legal LLC
Law Illuminated
Our law firm proudly specializes in litigation, corporate law, First Amendment, estate planning, estate administration, and legal advisory services. Explore our top-notch legal professionals, our commitment to excellence, and the individualized experience we provide to our clients.
We are conveniently located in the Denver Tech Center off of I-25 and I-225. Our law firm provides a variety of legal services in Colorado, New York, New Mexico, and Wyoming. Contact us today to schedule a phone or video consultation.
Legal Services
Discover the wide range of legal solutions that our law firm offers, spanning from civil rights advocacy to tailored consultations.
Litigation Assistance
At Illumine Legal LLC, we tailor litigation strategies to the specific needs and goals of our clients. Our lawyers bring extensive experience in pretrial procedure, including discovery and trial preparation, as well as in trial. We aim for the best outcome for you at the earliest possible stage.
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Commercial Real Estate
Our law firm represents both buyers and sellers of commercial real estate in all phases of commercial real estate purchase and sale transactions. We represent owners of commercial retail, industrial, office, and medical projects, assisting them with standardized leases, lease negotiations, and tenant issues. We also advise tenants entering into leasing transactions.
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Corporate and Commercial Transactions
We advise businesses of all sizes on formation, growth, and transactional needs, including mergers and acquisitions. By building relationships with our clients, we gain a deep understanding of their needs and how best to serve them. Our law firm’s extensive expertise includes structuring organizations, reorganizing entities, and drafting and negotiating contracts such as licensing agreements, vendor agreements, joint venture agreements, protective employment agreements, and executive employment agreements.
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Health Law
We represent medical professionals, their practices, and businesses providing healthcare services and products. Our law firm has extensive experience in structuring and advising medical practices and health care businesses throughout the cycle of start-up, growth, purchase, sale, ownership succession, and transition.
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Estate Planning
Having a plan to protect your family, loved ones, and wealth is critical. Our law firm begins estate planning with a foundational plan using wills and revocable trusts and then proceed to consider gift and estate tax planning, as well as provide creditor protection. At Illumine Legal LLC, we ensure your wealth and resources go exactly where you want them to through meaningful legal consultations.
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Business Succession
Whom you leave your hard earned business to is of major importance, which is why Illumine Legal LLC provides expert legal consultations when it comes to the future of your business. Our lawyers set up your business to succeed after you’re no longer at the helm by providing for management and ownership succession. We create a market in which loved ones can sell a business in instances of the owner’s incapacity or death, thereby paving the way for younger generations to succeed.
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Tax Planning
Without professional tax planning performed by legal experts, you could end up paying far more than you should during any given tax period. At Illumine Legal LLC, we make the process easy for you. Whether you’re a small business or a regular citizen, our tax attorneys minimize your tax liability, allowing more room for investment and growth.
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Charitable Planning
The right tax attorney can make your charitable giving simple, helping you plan your gift to a charity worthy of your support. We can assist you in comparing the tax and non-tax benefits of a simple contribution towards the creation of a private foundation, charitable lead trust, charitable remainder trust, or charitable gift annuity. Additionally, we explore alternative planning strategies tailored to your specific circumstances.
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Estate and Trust Administration
Illumine Legal LLC has the probate attorneys needed to help you successfully navigate the legal process following a death. Our probate team can assist with opening an estate, settling creditor claims, and ultimately distributing assets while protecting the fiduciary from liability. We also thoroughly review executed wills and trusts to properly guide the fiduciary in carrying out the testator’s explicit directives. When a person passes, we can advise you on all the various legal matters that go along with it.
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